Jumat, 19 Juni 2015 0 komentar


1.      Definisi Penerjemahan

Seperti halnya ilmu-ilmu lain, di dalam bidang penerjemahan ditemukan banyak definisi. Berbagai definisi tersebut mencerminkan pandangan ahli yang membuat definsi tentang hakikat terjemahan dan proses penerjemahan.
Definisi pertama berasal dari Catford. Ia menulis:
(Translation is) the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language (Catford, 1965:20).
Mungkin Anda sedikit bertanya-tanya karena di dalam definisi tersebut tidak ditemukan konsep tentang makna. Sementara, secara garis besar terjemahan tidak bisa dipisahkan dari persoalan makna atau gagasan.
Ungkapan tentang hakikat penerjemahan yang menyentuh konsep makna diungkapkan oleh Savory (1968):
Translation is made possible by an equivalent of thought that lies behind its different verbal expressions.
Savory tidak lebih jauh lagi menyebut hal-hal yang operasional atau terkait dengan proses.
Proses penerjemahan disajikan secara lebih jelas oleh Nida dan Taber (1969). Mereka menyatakan:
Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
Dalam bukunya Translation: Applications and Research, Brislin (1976) memberi batasan yang luas pada istilah penerjemahan. Bagi dia penerjemahan adalah pengalihan buah pikiran atau gagasan dari satu bahasa ke dalam bahasa lain.
Kedua bahasa ini bisa serumpun, seperti bahasa Sunda dan Jawa, bisa dari lain rumpun, seperti bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, atau bahkan bahasa yang sama tetapi dipakai pada kurun waktu yang berbeda, misalnya bahasa Jawa zaman Majapahit dan bahasa Jawa masa sekarang. Hanya saying dalam definisi ini tidak tersirat proses penerjamahan dan kriteria terjemahan yang baik.

1. Definition of translation

As other knowledges, in the field of translation many definitions are found. These various definitions reflect perspective from the experts who find definitions of the essence and process of the translation.
The first definition comes from Catford. He writes:
(Translation is) the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language (Catford, 1965:20).
Maybe you are wondering why in that definition, concept about the meaning cannot be found. Meanwhile, translations cannot be separated from the question of meaning or idea broadly.
Expression of the translation essence thattouches concept of the meaning is expressed by Savory (1968):
Translation is made possible by an equivalent of thought that lies behind its different verbal expressions.
Savory is no longer mentions in any further about operational matters or relate to the process. Translation processes are explained more clearly by Nida and Taber (1969). They state:
Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
In his book, “Translation: Applications and Research”, Brislin (1976) gives limitation about term of the translation widely. For him, Translation is switching a thought or the idea from one language to another language.

Both of the languages can be in a cognate, such Sundanese and Javanese, or in different cognate, such as English and Bahasa Indonesia, or in the same language but different time uses, for example Javanese in Majapahit era or Javanese in this era. Unfortunately, in this definition does not implicit the process or a good criteria of translation.

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015 0 komentar


1.      Definisi Penerjemahan
Seperti halnya ilmu-ilmu lain, di dalam bidang penerjemahan ditemukan banyak definisi. Berbagai definisi tersebut mencerminkan pandangan ahli yang membuat definsi tentang hakikat terjemahan dan proses penerjemahan.
Definisi pertama berasal dari Catford. Ia menulis:
(Translation is) the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language (Catford, 1965:20).
Mungkin Anda sedikit bertanya-tanya karena di dalam definisi tersebut tidak ditemukan konsep tentang makna. Sementara, secara garis besar terjemahan tidak bisa dipisahkan dari persoalan makna atau gagasan.
Ungkapan tentang hakikat penerjemahan yang menyentuh konsep makna diungkapkan oleh Savory (1968):
Translation is made possible by an equivalent of thought that lies behind its different verbal expressions.
Savory tidak lebih jauh lagi menyebut hal-hal yang operasional atau terkait dengan proses.
Proses penerjemahan disajikan secara lebih jelas oleh Nida dan Taber (1969). Mereka menyatakan:
Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
Dalam bukunya Translation: Applications and Research, Brislin (1976) memberi batasan yang luas pada istilah penerjemahan. Bagi dia penerjemahan adalah pengalihan buah pikiran atau gagasan dari satu bahasa ke dalam bahasa lain. Kedua bahasa ini bisa serumpun, seperti bahasa Sunda dan Jawa, bisa dari lain rumpun, seperti bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, atau bahkan bahasa yang sama tetapi dipakai pada kurun waktu yang berbeda, misalnya bahasa Jawa zaman Majapahit dan bahasa Jawa masa sekarang. Hanya saying dalam definisi ini tidak tersirat proses penerjamahan dan kriteria terjemahan yang baik.


1. Definition of translation
            As other sciences, in translation found many definitions. Various definitions reflect the views of experts who make the definition of the nature of translation and translation process. The first definition from Catford, he wrote:
Penrjemahan adalah peubahan teks dalam satu bahasa yang setara dengan bahasa yang lain (Catford, 1965:20).
Maybe you are a little bit asking because in that definition did not find concept about meaning. While,as an outline of translation cannot be separated of the matter the meaning or idea.
The phrase about the nature of translation that touches the concept of meaning expressed by Savory (1968):
Terjemahan dimungkinkan oleh setara pemikiran yang ada di balik ekspresi verbalnya yang berbeda.
Savory does not describe further about the operational matters or related processes.
The process of translation is presented more clearly by Nida and Taber (1969). They stated:
Penerjemahan terdiri dari mereproduksi dalam bahasa penerima yang alami  dari pesan bahasa sumber, pertama dalam hal makna dan kedua dalam hal gaya.
In Applications and Research, Brislin (1976) provides limits on the broad terms of translation.
For her, translation is the transfer of thoughts or ideas from one language into another language.
Both of this language can language family, such as Sundanese and Javanese, it can from other language family, like English and Bahasa or language that same but used at different time. For example, Javanese on Majapahit era and Javanese present. Only in this definition not implied translation process and criteria for a good translation.


Senin, 04 Mei 2015 0 komentar

PENERJEMAHAN BERBANTUAN KOMPUTER . Tugas 3 (Source Text and Target Text)

1.      Definisi Penerjemahan
Seperti halnya ilmu-ilmu lain, di dalam bidang penerjemahan ditemukan banyak definisi. Berbagai definisi tersebut mencerminkan pandangan ahli yang membuat definsi tentang hakikat terjemahan dan proses penerjemahan.
Definisi pertama berasal dari Catford. Ia menulis:
(Translation is) the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language (Catford, 1965:20).
Mungkin Anda sedikit bertanya-tanya karena di dalam definisi tersebut tidak ditemukan konsep tentang makna. Sementara, secara garis besar terjemahan tidak bisa dipisahkan dari persoalan makna atau gagasan.
Ungkapan tentang hakikat penerjemahan yang menyentuh konsep makna diungkapkan oleh Savory (1968):
Translation is made possible by an equivalent of thought that lies behind its different verbal expressions.
Savory tidak lebih jauh lagi menyebut hal-hal yang operasional atau terkait dengan proses.
Proses penerjemahan disajikan secara lebih jelas oleh Nida dan Taber (1969). Mereka menyatakan:
Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
Dalam bukunya Translation: Applications and Research, Brislin (1976) memberi batasan yang luas pada istilah penerjemahan. Bagi dia penerjemahan adalah pengalihan buah pikiran atau gagasan dari satu bahasa ke dalam bahasa lain. Kedua bahasa ini bisa serumpun, seperti bahasa Sunda dan Jawa, bisa dari lain rumpun, seperti bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, atau bahkan bahasa yang sama tetapi dipakai pada kurun waktu yang berbeda, misalnya bahasa Jawa zaman Majapahit dan bahasa Jawa masa sekarang. Hanya saying dalam definisi ini tidak tersirat proses penerjamahan dan kriteria terjemahan yang baik.

Target Text:
1. Definition of translation
            As other sciences, in translation found many definitions. Various definitions reflect the views of experts who make the definition of the nature of translation and translation process. The first definition from Catford, he wrote:
Penrjemahan adalah peubahan teks dalam satu bahasa yang setara dengan bahasa yang lain (Catford, 1965:20).

Name: Panca Rahmawati A.
Class: 4SA05

Minggu, 03 Mei 2015 1 komentar

Compare five machine translations

Compare five machine translations

1. SDL
Source link:  http://www.sdl.com or http://www.freetranslation.com/

The strength:
-          -SDL is an online translation that enables individuals and business with a simple way to translate documents, text, article, and pdf.
-        -  It can translate text into 34 languages for free with 10.000 words at a time.

The weakness:
-          The language is not natural. It is depending on the original text.

Souce link: http://www.systransoft.com

The strength:
-          Free online translator. This software automatically translates text from  one language to another language.
-          Using systrans online language translator to quickly understand the information we need in real time. This is quick and easy to use. No need to download the application first like google translates.

      The weakness:
-          Many languages can include in here, such as English, French, Arabic, Korean, Japanese,  and so on, but this software can not translate Bahasa

      3. GINGER
    Source link: http://www.gingersoftware.com

The strength:
  1. -    Ginger Translate is free translation software that offers language translation between forty languages. With Translations between over 40 languages Gingers free translation software help us communicate with everyone, everywhere.
  2. -        It has some nice features such as automatic source language detection, accuracy calculator and even the option to create a personal dictionary with corrected, improved translations.
  3. -        If we are always making silly spelling and grammar mistakes in our online conversations or text documents, we are going to want to ensure what we are writing is correct before posting it publicly.
  4. -          Ginger Grammar & Spell Check works with Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as in Microsoft Office. It does require us to remain online in order for it to work though.

The Weakness:
      It needs a long time to download the application

4. Trados
This is a great way for translators to leverage secure, high-quality machine translation for their post-editing needs, but I could not download this application.

5. Wordbee
Wordbee includes an online CAT tool that translators. Translators, proofreaders, managers, and experts can all collaborate on the same document, at the same time. Same with trados, this application could not download. So, I could not make experiments to know the strength and weakness of this application. 

Name: Panca Rahmawati A.
Class: 4SA05
NPM: 18611087

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015 0 komentar


Holding a long rope, a line of children carefully strolled along the Kalibaru River in Katulampasubdistrict, Bogor, West Java, on Saturday morning, while parents and facilitators of Peyapeyo, a parenting and child education community, asked them to watch out for motorcyclists.

“Say ‘excuse me’ to the men,” said facilitator Aris M. Luthfi when they passed a group of men near the river.

Aris then asked whether the children knew where they were be going. “To the mountain!” said 4-year-old Kimi loudly, to the laughter of the other children. 

Kimi was among dozens of children aged between three and seven who joined a weekend class themed “Knowing Water Better”, held by Peyapeyo. 

Aris told the children they would visit Katulampa sluice gate, upstream of the Ciliwung River.

As they arrived at the destination, the children were given a short explanation of the function of the gate and how the water level was monitored, which was crucial to predicting if floods would hit Jakarta. 

The children were also taught the importance of keeping the water clean, as it was the source of water in the capital. 

The visit to the gate was part of a busy schedule that morning. 

The children also enthusiastically made so-called Water Apollo toys, then learned about volcanic eruptions in the nearby Kampoeng Air restaurant, which also had a natural kindergarten.

Water Apollo toys consist of a long narrow plastic bag filled with brightly colored water and a Styrofoam ball. The children learned that although they repeatedly turned the plastic upside down, the ball and the air bubble would keep facing up. 

Meanwhile, the children learned about volcanoes with Play Doh. They used a mixture of detergent, food coloring, baking soda and vinegar to create the effects of an eruption.

San Bono Pratikno, the parent of 4-year-old Bumi, hoped his son would learn as much as possible from the activities, so that his love for nature and creativity would develop.

“I was raised in a village, so this kind of activity was my cup of tea. However, my son rarely goes out and always stays at home after school,” he said, adding that he wanted his son to be more sociable as he did not have many friends his age in the neighborhood. 

Yoni AniaDesela, 26, drove from her house in Serpong, South Tangerang, so her two children could enjoy the activities in Bogor. 

She said she rarely took her children, Kimi and Kama, to shopping malls during the weekend. 

“If they do not have any courses, I find alternative activities that can trigger their creativity and curiosity,” she said, adding that the weekend class was one of them. 

DietaHadi, the co-founder of Peyapeyo, said the idea of holding a weekend class came up because many parents were still confused about alternatives for their children on weekends. 

“Parents in Bogor usually take their children to Bandung or Jakarta on the weekends, while Jakartans who visit Bogor usually only go to restaurants or factory outlets,” she said.

She said Peyapeyo planned to hold a similar event each month. 

Dieta, who also owned a daycare center, said enthusiasm for the events was quite high. 

“We initially held the event for only 20 children, but have since increased the quota to 35 children,” she said.

Memegangtalipanjang, anak-anakberbarisdenganhati-hatiberjalan di sepanjang Sungai Kalibaru, KecamatanKatulampa, Bogor, Jawa Barat, padaSabtupagi, sementara orangtuadanpemberifasilitasdariPeyapeyo, komunitaspolaasuhdanpendidikananak, memintamerekauntukmengawasiparapenggunasepeda motor.
"Katakan 'Permisi' kepada orang-orang," kata pemberifasilitasAris M. Luthfiketikamerekamelewatisekelompoklaki-laki di dekatsungai.
Ariskemudianbertanyaapakahanak-anaktahukemanamerekaakanpergi. "Kegunung!"Kata Kimianakberusia 4 tahundengankeras, dan yang lainnyatertawa.
Kimiadalah di antarapuluhananak-anakberusiaantaratigadantujuhtahun yang bergabung dikelasakhirpekanbertema "Mengenal Air DenganLebihBaik", yangdiselenggarakanolehPeyapeyo.
Arismengatakankepadaanak-anak,merekaakanmengunjungipintu air Katulampa, hulu Sungai Ciliwung.
Saatmerekatiba di tempattujuan, anak-anakdiberipenjelasansingkatfungsidarigerbangdanbagaimanatingkat air dipantau, yang pentinguntukmemprediksiapakahbanjirakanmelanda Jakarta.
Anak-anakjugadiajarkanpentingnyamenjaga air bersih, karenaitusumber air di ibukota.
Anak-anakjugaantusiasdenganpermainan air yaitu Air Apollo, kemudianbelajartentangletusangunungberapi yang beradadekatrestoranKampoeng Air, yang jugamemilikitamankanak-kanakalami.
Air Apollo mainanterdiridarikantongplastik yang sempitpanjangdiisidengan air berwarnacerahdan bola styrofoam. Anak-anakbelajarbahwameskipunplastikituberubahterbalikberulang kali, bola dangelembungudaraakantetapmenghadapkeatas.
Sementaraitu, anak-anakbelajartentanggunungberapidengan Play Doh.Merekamenggunakancampurandeterjen, pewarnamakanan, baking soda dancukauntukmenciptakanefekletusan.
San Bono Pratikno, orang tuadarianak 4 tahun yang bernamaBumi, berharapanaknyaakanbelajarsebanyakmungkindarikegiatantersebut, sehinggacintanyaterhadapalamdankreativitasakanterusberkembang.
"Sayadibesarkan di sebuahdesa, sehinggakegiatansemacaminiibaratsecangkirteh.Namun, anaksayajarangkeluardanselalutinggal di rumahsepulangsekolah, "katanya, menambahkanbahwaiainginanaknyamenjadilebihramahkarenaiatidakpunyabanyaktemanseusianya di lingkungan.
Yoni AniaDesela, 26, melajudarirumahnya di Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, sehinggakeduaanaknyabisamenikmatikegiatan di Bogor.
Diabilangdiajarangmengajakanak-anaknya, Kimidan Kama, kepusatperbelanjaanselamaakhirpekan.
"Jikamerekatidakmemiliki acaraapapun, sayamenemukanalternatifkegiatan yang dapatmemicukreativitasdan rasa ingintahumereka," katanya, menambahkanbahwakelasakhirpekanadalahsalahsatukegiatan yang merekaharusjalani.
DietaHadi, co-founder dariPeyapeyo, mengatakan ide memegangkelasakhirpekandatangkarenabanyak orang tua yang masihbingungtentangpilihanalternatifuntukanak-anakmerekapadaakhirpekan.
"Orang tua di Bogor biasanyamembawaanak-anakmerekake Bandung atau Jakarta padaakhirpekan, sementarawarga Jakarta yang berkunjungke Bogor biasanyahanyapergiketempatmakanatautempatperbelanjaan," katanya.
Dieta, yang jugamemilikisebuahpusatpenitipananak, mengatakansemangatuntukacaraitucukuptinggi.
“Awalnya kami mengadakanacarahanya 20 anak, tetapisejakpeningkatanjumlahuntuk 35 anak-anak," katanya.

NAME              : PANCA RAHMAWATI A.  (18611087) & CLAUDIA RAESITA AMOR (11611685)
CLASS              : 4SA05

Jumat, 23 Januari 2015 0 komentar

Structure Prepositions

Prepositions: words that link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.
Prepositions cause lots of problems for lots of people, so do not worry if that includes you. It is hardly surprising these words create such havoc – after all, we might say, for example, that we are at the hospital, but we sometimes visit a friend who is in hospital.
Similarly, we lie in bed, but on a sofa. We might watch a play at a theatre or on television.
So, like I said, do not worry. Just pay attention to these little words and practise using them.
Prepositions fall into four categories:
§  Time prepositions (for example, at, on, in, since, for, during, before)
§  Location prepositions (at, on, in)
§  Direction prepositions (at, on, in, towards, around, through, across)
§  Position prepositions (beneath, under, over, on)
Here are some examples:
Time prepositions
§  ‘Peter ate his sandwich during the morning’s train journey.’
§  ‘Peter has lived in London since the mid-80s.’
§  ‘Peter has lived in London for 20 years.’
§  ‘Peter had his lunch at three o’clock.’
§  ‘Peter’s birthday is on March 20th.’
§  ‘Peter is going on holiday in three months…in the summer.’
§  ‘Peter is quitting work before he travels.’

Location prepositions
§  ‘Peter ate his sandwich on the train.’
§  ‘Peter has lived in London since the mid-80s.’
§  ‘Peter works at London Bridge.’
Direction prepositions
§  ‘Peter’s bus travelled through the red traffic light towards its destination.’
§  ‘That bus really did go around the houses.’
§  ‘Peter’s bus travelled across the bridge.’
Position prepositions
§  ‘Peter sat on the bus and read his newspaper.’
§  ‘Peter’s bus waited at the red light.’
§  ‘Peter sat beneath a crumbling bridge, over which rumbled a heavy lorry.’
The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition.
Prepositions, like over in the final example above, will always sit comfortably before the pronoun ‘which’ (as in, ‘…over which rumbled a heavy lorry.’).
And there has always been some debate about whether or not prepositions should be allowed to sit at the end of a sentence. My advice on this one is this: ask yourself – which version sounds better, clearer? Is it, for example, ‘The world we live in,’ or, ‘The world in which we live.’ That’s up to you, although it is always a good idea to tailor your style to suit your situation or intended reader.
What I would say is that wherever you place your preposition and however you structure your sentence around it, ensure that you don’t write the preposition twice, such as: ‘The world in which we live in,’ which is actually a Paul McCartney lyric, from the theme from ‘Live and Let Die’. (He’s allowed – it’s poetic licence and he was a Beatle!).

Prepositions with nouns, adjectives and verbs
Prepositions are sometimes so closely linked to other words that they almost act as one single word. This is the case when prepositions are used alongside certain nouns, adjectives and verbs.
Here are some examples:
Nouns and prepositions
§  approval of
§  belief in
§  concern for
§  love of
§  reason for
Adjectives and prepositions
§  afraid of
§  married to
§  happy about
§  made of
§  familiar with
Verbs and prepositions
§  give up
§  grow up
§  look up
§  pay for
§  find out

Be careful not to fall into bad habits with prepositions: it can be quite easy to use one where it is simply not necessary or required. For example:
§  Incorrect: ‘She met with her boss.’
§  Correct: ‘She met her boss.’
§  Incorrect: ‘I got it off of my brother.’
§  Correct: ‘I got it from my brother.’
§  Incorrect: ‘Where are you at?’
§  Correct: ‘Where are you?’
§  Incorrect: ‘He threw her stuff out of the window.’
§  Correct: ‘He threw her stuff out the window.

Analyze this article below about the structure preposition

How to Teach First Grade
Teaching 1st grade will be different by teaching high school students. Required certain techniques so that the child can absorb lessons more fun considering the psychological child is still in the early learning stages.

The voice sounded clear enough by children, intonation, etc. are things that are very important to be possessed by the teacher. For early elementary grades, they are still considered early childhood, before providing early childhood learning, as teachers need to recognize the characteristics of elementary school age children first. Do not forget to always give something new and varied for them. No need expensive, objects in the environment can be the object of exploration for children.

The period is also very short of their concentration. Thus, teachers must have a second plan, and even third, fourth plan needs to be prepared for them so they do not saturate. Keep in mind that early childhood is a period play. Thus, the instruction given to them should be based on the principles of play (fun, children can explore, gain a lot of experience).

Children are not miniature adults but they have the characteristics and uniqueness of each. So, do not equate them with the high school kids that are easier on the set and was able to concentrate for a long time.

Preposition from article above
1.       in the early learning stages
in in sentence above shows preposition place
2.       by children
by in sentence above shows preposition time
3.       For early elementary grades
For in sentence above shows preposition time
4.       before providing early childhood learning
before in sentence above shows preposition time
5.       on the set
on in sentence above shows preposition time

Name               : Panca Rahmawati
Class/NPM      : 4SA05/18611087